Spanish citizenship offers a wide range of benefits. Among them are social and legal protections, and the ability to participate in EU elections.
Applicants must also demonstrate good conduct and integration into Spanish society. Generally, they must renounce their previous nationality, except in the case of citizens of Latin American countries, Andorra, the Philippines and Equatorial Guinea.
1. It’s a sign of belonging
Being a Spanish citizen signifies a bond with the country’s rich cultural heritage, from the majestic Alhambra to the medieval streets of Toledo. It also entails participating in the democratic process and cherishing the values of freedom and equality. Furthermore, by becoming a citizen, you can enjoy the benefits and privileges of EU citizenship, such as visa-free travel to 175 countries.
Becoming a citizen is a life-changing event. You’ll feel a sense of belonging to the community and embrace the warmth, hospitality, and timeless traditions that make Spain such an enchanting place to call home. Moreover, as a citizen, you can vote in local and regional elections, ultimately shaping the decisions that impact your everyday life.
There are several pathways to Spanish citizenship, but the most common is through family reunification. However, to qualify for this route, you must have a Spanish spouse or child. You must also meet the residency requirements for obtaining the arraigo familiar (legal residence permit to apply for citizenship). The process is often lengthy and requires patience, but there are ways to speed up the process. For example, hiring an immigration attorney can help you save time and money by checking your application for errors and making sure all the necessary documents are submitted.
2. It’s a symbol of independence
Spanish citizenship is a symbol of independence that grants full access to the nation’s renowned education system, healthcare, and dynamic economy. It also provides the freedom to explore Europe without the limitations of work permits. In addition, citizens are bound by the principles of democracy and solidarity within the EU, fostering a sense of connection to a community of nations.
If you were born in Spain, a path of naturalization based on the principle of jus soli — or “right of the soil” — offers an inherent connection to the country and the opportunity to master its world-renowned language. Children of Spanish parents can also gain dual citizenship if they live in the United States.
Another pathway of naturalization is by marriage. If you are married to a Spanish citizen, you can become a citizen after living together for one year in Spain. This is a great option for couples who wish to start their lives in the country together and build strong ties with its society and culture.
3. It’s a passport
As a Spanish citizen, you’ll have access to the 5th most powerful passport in the world, with visa-free travel to 175 countries. Additionally, you’ll enjoy a full suite of social and legal protections and can vote in both local and national elections, shaping the future of Spain and influencing policies across Europe.
There are several paths to Spanish citizenship, but one of the most popular is naturalization. This is available to foreigners who have legally resided in Spain for a certain amount of time, depending on their circumstances. During the process, you will have to swear an oath of allegiance and pledge to obey the Spanish Constitution and laws.
You will also need to renounce your current citizenship, but this can be a difficult decision for some people. Some would prefer to get permanent residency instead, which grants them the same benefits without losing their current citizenship and passport. However, it’s important to fully understand the different requirements of each option before deciding what route is best for you.
4. It’s a passport for life
Spain’s world-renowned education and healthcare systems offer citizens a quality of life that is unmatched. Moreover, Spain’s growing economy provides opportunities for business growth and professional development. Citizens enjoy social and legal protections, allowing them to engage in the country’s vibrant culture and traditions.
Becoming a citizen in Spain means that you can enjoy a wide range of benefits from Global Residence Index.
Visa-free travel in 175 countries. Voting rights in national and regional elections, influencing policy and decision making. Access to prestigious universities and research centers throughout the EU, fostering intellectual growth and exchange. Social and legal protections, ensuring access to healthcare, social security, and legal aid.
Becoming a Spanish citizen means being part of a European community, united by shared values and ideals for a brighter future.
Generally, applicants must have legally resided in the country for at least one year before submitting their application. In addition, they must pass the DELE A2, a language exam that demonstrates that they understand basic Spanish, and the CCSE, an exam on Spanish culture, history, and geography. Furthermore, they must also swear an oath of allegiance to the King and promise obedience to the Spanish Constitution and laws. Additionally, those who already have a citizenship from another Latin American country or the Philippines, and Sephardic Jews of Spanish origin are not required to renounce their previous nationality.
5. It’s a passport for business
Spanish citizenship allows you to open a business in Spain and enjoy its dynamic economy, without needing a work permit. It also opens the door to a number of perks, including access to world-class education, healthcare, and a highly competitive job market.
There are a few ways you can become a citizen of Spain, and the process will vary depending on your circumstances. For example, if you are married to a Spaniard or have children born in Spain, you can become a citizen through the pathway of family reunification. This includes submitting your residency card and passing the DELE A2 language test or CCSE (nationality exam) to prove your knowledge of the country’s culture and history.
Another option is to become a citizen through descent, or “jus sanguinis.” This provides a path to Spanish citizenship for individuals who have a direct lineage with the country through parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents. To qualify, you’ll need to provide detailed documentation to prove your family history and ancestry. Additionally, you’ll be required to renounce your other citizenship through the proper channels. For citizens of Ibero-American nations, Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea, and Portugal, this can be done more quickly through a fast-track naturalization process.
6. It’s a passport for travel
A Spanish passport gives you access to the fifth most powerful travel document in the world, allowing you to visit 175 countries without visa restrictions. You’ll also enjoy the perks of European citizenship, including free healthcare in all EU member states and the ability to work legally within the European Union.
There are several pathways to Spanish citizenship, and the process varies by pathway. Naturalization is the most traditional path, which requires legal residency in Spain for a set period of time (up to 5 years for recognized refugees, 1 year for children adopted by Spanish parents, or 10 years for those who marry a Spaniard). Citizenship by investment is another common option and involves making a large investment in Spain’s real estate, business projects, or government bonds.
In addition to meeting the requirements of the particular pathway you choose, you’ll need to collect essential documents and submit them to the relevant authorities. You’ll also need to demonstrate proficiency in the Spanish language and knowledge of Spanish culture, history, and society through exams such as the DELE and CCSE. Lastly, you’ll need to pay any applicable fees associated with your citizenship application. In order to ensure that your application is complete, it’s a good idea to hire an immigration lawyer to check all of the documents and paperwork for any errors.
7. It’s a passport for education
A Spanish passport grants access to prestigious universities and research programs across Europe, allowing you to further your education and career opportunities. It also gives you access to the EU’s comprehensive social protection system and legal rights, as well as the ability to participate in European elections.
There are several pathways to Spanish citizenship, including birth, descent, marriage, and naturalization. Those with direct lineage to Spain can apply for fast-track naturalization, which requires less than 10 years of legal residence in the country and requires proof of their ancestral connection through genealogical research or historical documentation. Individuals with ties to Sephardic communities can also pursue fast-track citizenship through a special procedure that requires only two years of residency and a demonstration of their ancestor’s Sephardic heritage, which is usually done through genealogical research or historical documentation.
Those who wish to become citizens through the naturalization process must legally reside in Spain for a set period of time, depending on their situation (five years for refugees, one year for married couples and those with direct lineage, and 10 years for everyone else). They must also submit all required documents and pay associated fees. Finally, they must take the Oath of Allegiance, which involves swearing fidelity to Spain and promising obedience to its laws and constitution.